Sneak Peek: Annalise | Raleigh Child Photographer
If anything was going to compete with the gorgeousness of Saturday morning, it was the sweet little three year-old I got to photograph in Raleigh. Seriously: GORgeous:
Annalise's parents have had professional portraits made for her every year around her birthday, and looking through this year's set, I know they'll be able to pick these out from the rest. Three is such an amazing, unique age, full of questions, discovery, excitement, and enthusiasm, and I love the images we got, most of all because they really encapsulated all of the above. I got a workout chasing this little one around, but had so much fun doing it! I just wish I'd had time to go have macaroni and cheese with her afterward like she asked me to :D
More coming soon, but here's a sweet family picture I'd love to see hanging up BIG on their walls: