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Last Portrait Session of 2010: Done!

How in the WORLD is it December 16th already? It has been a whirlwind of a holiday season here at Megapixie, and I've been thrilled and honored by the number of people who've entrusted their once-a-year-share-it-with-everyone-you-know family portrait to me. By Friday, I will have finished editing every last portrait session from 2010 to free up my schedule for this coming weekend's wedding, very quickly followed by the actual holidays themselves. The honor of the very last portrait session of 2010 goes to a family in Chapel Hill whose four kids range from 5 to 15. This session might also have the "honor" of worst weather for a portrait session in 2010... these photos were taken last weekend on a dull, rainy afternoon. Four kids: hard. Four kids who are spread out over ten years: harder (have you ever tried to get a teenager and a five year-old to cooperate with you at the same time?). Four kids spread over ten years in the rain? Well... take a look:

Raleigh Family Photographer

What... you expected them to look bad???

Raleigh Family Photographer

Clockwise from upper left, above: Cole, Niya, Troy, and Teague: living proof that bad weather conditions and preconceived notions of the difficulty of photographing large families can be easily trumped by cuteness (sorry Troy: handsomeness!).

Raleigh Family Photographer

And one last shot wherein Cole shows off one of his trademark goofy faces (this baby of four is not going to get lost in the crowd!)

Raleigh Family Photographer

Vickie and Ty: you should be extremely proud of your gorgeous, gregarious children who were absolutely lovely to work with... thank you for giving me the honor!

Raleigh Family Photographer

