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The Toddler Whisperer | Chapel Hill Family Photographer

After I got home from Sunday's session with Naina, Dan, and their absolutely, edibly adorable little Sai, Naina sent me an email:

"Hey Annemie,  Thanks for being so incredibly patient today.  Phew!  We all took a longgg family nap and woke rejuvenated and Sai, just a little, less grumpy."

Sai's at that age right now where he's going to react to a photo session in one of two ways: either he's going to LOVE having his picture made and all the extra attention that goes with it, giving me thousands of sweet smiles and holding poses for hours, or he's going to get flustered by all the attention and out-of-the-ordinary situations and very quickly begin to avoid even glancing toward the camera... and sadly, Sunday was just one of those days for little Sai. Smart enough to know that something was up, but a little too young to understand... he was a trooper, but ultimately just didn't want to have to much to do with me. The fact of the matter is that no one can predict the behavior of a toddler - that turn-on-a-dime tendency is what gives the terrible-twos their name. And though it would be easy to put off photo sessions during this stage, the 1-4 year-old set is SO STINKING CUTE that it would be criminal to miss... so that's where the magic of shutter speed and fast reflexes come in :D

Chapel Hill Family PhotographySee? What tantrum?Chapel Hill Family Photography

More soon... this is an amazing set!



P.S. Want to know some of the techniques I use to get through the toughest sessions with little ones? Click here (you can use these, too)!