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Portraits: Edward | Durham Child Photographer

Hello, strangers! I've missed you for the past week and a half! I've been working hard to meet some pretty tight deadlines, and sadly, that's kept me from posting to the blog as often as I'd like. Thanks to those of you who got in touch to see what was going on... it's nice to know I was missed :D The good news is that I've got some gorgeous photos to share with you today and in the coming weeks! First up, sweet baby Edward:

Raleigh Child Photographer

This beautiful one year-old boy has such a timeless look, I was hard-pressed not to process the whole session in black and white, but Darci and Doug have also decorated their home and nursery in fantastic colors, so I was a bit torn...

Raleigh Child Photographer

Raleigh Child Photographer

Raleigh Child Photographer

Raleigh Child Photographer

Edward is at that cautious-but-curious stage where he hardly took his eyes off of me, but would only give me the tiniest of smiles... until we put him in the sink for a bath, that is!

Raleigh Child Photographer

Raleigh Child Photographer

Raleigh Child Photographer

Darci has been talking to me about portraits since before Edward was born, so I'm so very happy we were finally able to make it happen. There are so many fantastic pictures that I feel like, in some ways, we were making up for lost time :D

Raleigh Child Photographer

Raleigh Child Photographer

Raleigh Child Photographer

Raleigh Child Photographer

Doug was home for the photo session, but mostly hung out on the periphery while I got Edward and a few of Darci. Toward the end, I coaxed him into a few, and I love how natural this one is... just the three of them hanging out.

Raleigh Child Photographer

And then there's this... this is the sort of photograph I could stare at for hours. There's nothing sweeter than the simple, soft lines of a baby... those lines that are all too quickly replaced with sharp elbows and knobby knees and stinky feet. I'm so glad we caught this before it disappeared:

Raleigh Child Photographer

What a pleasure this session was: homemade cookies, splashing in the sink, and playing in the springtime morning light! Darci and Doug, thank you so much for inviting me to help you capture your gorgeous son... I hope these serve as a permanent reminder of an all-too impermanent, wonderful time in your lives.

Raleigh Child Photographer

