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Mother's Day Weekend

Happy (belated) Mother's Day to all you moms, husbands of moms, children of moms, etc., etc.! I hope everyone had a lovely weekend. It was a bit of a strange one for us... my grandparents were celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary with a family reunion in Georgia, but because it wasn't scheduled until recently, we had a conflict and weren't able to attend. We did, however, send Oliver with my parents as a Tonken family delegate, so my Mother's Day was spent in the conspicuous absence of both my own mother as well as the boy who first called me mom :( Other than that, it was a lovely weekend. I had two shoots on Saturday - a family portrait session at Fearrington Village in the morning, and a very cool, very non-traditional Bat Mitzvah in the afternoon. I'll get more of these up once they're edited, but for now, a few shots of the gorgeous mothers involved:

Raleigh Portrait Photographer

Raleigh Portrait Photographer

On Sunday, Judah gave me the only kind of gift an 18 month-old can give, and slept in until (get ready for this) 9:45. NINE! FORTY! FIVE! (Of course, I guess that was really a gift to Matt, who would've had to get up with him anyway. Mark my words: on Father's Day morning, he'll be up before six.) We had a lovely brunch at home, then Matt spent the afternoon deep-cleaning the screened-in porch, which if you've ever experienced the pollen explosion of a North Carolina spring, you know is no small job! That evening, when my parents and Oliver got back from the reunion, I got a couple more gifts... this from Oliver:

Raleigh Portrait Photographer

And from my parents, an absolutely gorgeous portrait of me and my mom. The photo is over thirty years old, but I had never seen it before... it had been tucked away somewhere and recently unearthed. Here it is next to a snapshot I took of her less than a month ago, just to show you how beautiful she still is :D Happy Mother's Day, all!

Raleigh Portrait Photographer

I love you, mom,
